Caribbean School of Dancing is committed to offering its students a dance education on par with international standards of dance. As such, we offer classes in classical ballet under the Royal Academy of Dance and in modern and tap dance under the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. Both institutions are based in the UK and are internationally recognized bodies of dance education of which many of our teachers are members.

Students are prepared annually to be entered for external exams under these examining bodies. These exams allow teachers and students to obtain an unbiased assessment of their work.

At present our staff includes 2 teachers who have gained international recognition of Registered Teachers Status with the Royal Academy of Dance and 1 teacher with an Associate in Modern Theatre Dance from the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing; these qualifications are required to continue entering students into these international examinations.

Further to these accolades our staff’s qualifications include numerous professional dance certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded to them through their hard work and continuous development of their craft.




3.5 - 8 years

Ballet, Creative Dance and Mixed Styles


9 - 11 years

Ballet, Contemporary, Mixed Styles


12+ years

Ballet, Contemporary, Modern, Mixed Styles, Choreography